With broad experience in digital production and campaigning, I have the knowledge and vision to get results on the web and beyond.


I write about technology to explain, analyse and entertain. My thoughts are collected on this site and elsewhere.

Whilst working at organisations like openDemocracy, Amnesty International and Survival, I coordinate with colleagues to create and optimise content on various platforms.

As facilitator at journalism and campaign events, my copy, design and technical guidance act as glue to fast-paced content teams.


I code and consult on back-end, front-end, design, testing, hosting, and more.


I build context-aware strategy and plans for social media, advertising and other communications.

Taking a wide view of technical change means I'm proactive on policy design in AI whilst contributing to civil society solutions to address key issues.


I work with a wealth of tools and collaborators to coordinate projects like microsplash and Street Scenes. These bring people together on open platforms to socially productive ends.

Professionally I have trained and supported staff as well as developing and introducing new systems. As chair of regular operations meetings, I have facilitated sensitive decision-making processes.

I lead open workshops, hackdays and discussions on web security, surveillance, politics and more.
